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Land Your Dream Job with AI-Powered Automation

Join 15,000+ professionals using ResumixAI to create tailored resumes and automatically apply to jobs across 20+ job boards.

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Token Address: FUefS1YwsuwqJ5draA1QN44ER8xG2jtQRU1vWhn9pump

Generate Your Resume

Matching Jobs

Generate your resume to see matching jobs

Get Started with ResumixAI

Follow these steps to integrate ResumixAI into your application:

// Installation
npm install resumix-ai

// Initialize the AI agent
const ResumixAI = require('resumix-ai');
const agent = new ResumixAI({
    apiKey: 'your-api-key'

// Generate a resume
const resume = await agent.generateResume({
    jobTitle: 'Software Engineer',
    experience: 5,
    skills: ['JavaScript', 'React', 'Node.js']

// Apply for a job
const application = await agent.applyForJob({
    jobId: 'job-123',
    resume: resume,
    coverLetter: true

// Check application status
const status = await agent.getApplicationStatus('app-123');
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Recent Activity

Michael Thompson generated a resume for Software Engineer position
2 minutes ago
Sarah Rodriguez applied to Google
5 minutes ago
James Wilson generated a resume for Product Manager position
12 minutes ago
Emily Chen applied to Microsoft
15 minutes ago
Robert Martinez generated a resume for Data Scientist position
20 minutes ago